Performance Pro

Performance Pro provides credit unions of all sizes with best-in-class performance management technology to improve employee performance and engagement. The system automates and can drastically help simplify the HR department’s workload by eliminating repetitive administrative tasks and by streamlining and archiving all interactions between management and employees — focusing on strategic initiatives instead. You’ll get the most out of your employees while your credit union continues to stay nimble.

Key Features:

  • Facilitates moving beyond the standard year-end appraisal to ongoing coaching and feedback
  • Maintains an automated and easy-to-use employee performance evaluation process Customizable, automated email reminders, templates, employment action forms and more
  • Dashboards, workflows, writing assistants, legal checks, cascading goals and robust reporting
  • Fully automated to accommodate appraisals and ongoing performance management
  • 140+ defined performance factors with behaviorally anchored rating scales
  • 500+ customizable goals that can be cascaded and aligned with company objectives
  • 350+ customizable evaluation templates based on specific job titles
  • 200+ customizable job descriptions
  • A comprehensive library of manager resources for guidance on best practices

To learn more about Performance Pro complete the “Get in Touch” form to your right.

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