Northern New Jersey Chapter Meeting

August 22, 2024 | 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Boulevard Five72
572 Boulevard, Kenilworth, NJ 07033
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Event Information

Our next Chapter Meeting will be held Thursday, August 22, at 6 p.m. It will focus on the emerging leaders in our industry. Please spread the word and encourage staff at all levels from your credit union to attend. All are welcome!

Tyler Staley from CrossState Credit Union Association will be presenting about The Emerging Leaders Group. The Emerging Leaders’ mission is to engage young professionals in the future of the credit union movement through career development training and education, networking, leadership, development, community service and outreach, and political advocacy. Topics covered will include:

  • Discounts offered to young professionals who are part of the group; discounts offer 30% or more for most flagship events
  • Emerging Leaders’ Annual Convention that features a track dedicated to younger professionals
  • Complimentary Webinar topics offered to members
  • The Convention Crashers Program, which is a beneficial, complimentary program for Emerging Leaders to attend
  • Scholarship information: when and how to apply
  • How the network is organized regionally, as well as each regions’ representatives
  • The Emerging Leaders information webpage and how interested individuals can join

Tyler has been with CrossState for over 4 years now, since 2020. However, his experience in education and events goes back almost an entire decade! Tyler graduated from Millersville University in Lancaster, PA in 2011. He majored in secondary education/social studies, which is where his passion for education derives from. Here with CrossState, Tyler works closely with the Council Members to plan events and webinars. He will even lead some of these webinars and networking events!

We hope you and your Credit Union colleagues can join us for an evening of dinner, networking, and discussion. You do not need to be a member of CrossState to attend. All are welcome!


Cost: $75 per person for members of CrossState

$85 per person for non-members & vendors

$65 per person for members of CrossState if more than one person from your Credit Union attends- all are invited

$75 per person for non-members & vendors if more than one person from your Credit Union attends; all are invited

Please RSVP to Nicole Szeman at by Friday, August 16.

Make checks payable to:

CrossState Credit Union Association – Northern New Jersey Chapter