Credit Union Advocacy Network

Strengthen the Voice of Credit Unions in Trenton, NJ, Harrisburg, PA, and Washington, DC

Become an a Member of the Credit Union Advocacy Network (CUAN)

The credit union system has been notably known for their grassroots strength. Help CrossState continue this trend by becoming a member of the CUAN, previously ACT. Members will play an active role to increase credit union awareness and visibility among policymakers in our state capitals and Washington, DC. The goal of the group is to ensure credit unions have a healthy operating environment to successfully meet the needs of their members and communities.

CrossState will provide members of the CUAN all the tools you need to successfully share your story with lawmakers. Whether it’s policy positions, talking points, grassroots training, CrossState will ensure you are well positioned to build upon the progress being made on several legislative and regulatory priorities.

For more information about the CUAN, please contact

CrossState’s Advocacy Team will contact credit union staff and volunteers upon the receipt of their registration.