PSECU Security Manager Discusses Ethical Hacking on Local News 

Harrisburg, PA — PSECU Security Manager Scott Lenker joined local news station Fox 43 recently to discuss current cyber security trends and his work as an “ethical hacker.”  

In the segment, Lenker explained that with so many accounts, online hacking attempts are just part of the workday. 

“We’re seeing attacks come from China, from Russia, even North Korea, and we have to make sure those attacks don’t get through,” Lenker said. 

In order to protect customer information from prying eyes, Lenker uses his skills as a United States-certified ethical hacker. His proactive approach to cybersecurity is common among other ethical hackers that use their hacking skills for good, rather than for damage. 

“From a certified ethical hacker standpoint, we actually break into the systems, we make sure that we’re the first people to find the vulnerabilities, so if we break into and find the vulnerabilities, we’re able to fix it before the bad guys are able to get in,” said Lenker. 

Most hackers are able to manipulate a user’s online account through various means, regardless of a user’s protection plan, according to Lenker. Virtual private networks and two-factor authentication can be bypassed, sometimes by the user themselves without their knowledge.  

Watch the full segment here


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