Gain Inspiration from Our Past Leaders in Financial Literacy Award Winners at Connect

Join the 2024 Leaders in Financial Literacy winners at CrossState Connect Annual Convention for a panel, sponsored by Visa, to hear about their effective programs – from student branches, senior and parent programs, partnerships, and financial reality fairs.

Hear about how: 

  • Cross Valley FCU builds relationships with students at their student branch, Ranger Credit Union that provides a resource for students even after they leave high school. 
  • First Commonwealth FCU has a multi-tiered program that offers money clubs and financial education for students and includes parents in the programming. 
  • Jersey Shore FCU offers seminars about financial scams to seniors reaching them where they live – at senior apartments and senior centers. 
  • Mercer County Community FCU helps offer Junior Achievement’s BizTown to middle school students in their community. 
  • Members 1st of New Jersey FCU works with five other credit unions in South Jersey to hold Financial Reality Fairs for high school students. 

Learn what other credit unions are doing to provide the best financial education for their members and community and ideas to implement at your credit unions. Register today for Connect to secure your seat for the panel! Early Bird pricing is in effect until March 28.

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