Clearview’s Florian Joins 11th Annual Pittsburgh Business Times Mentoring Monday 

Information provided by Clearview FCU, photo from the Pittsburgh Business Times

On Monday, February 26, Lisa Florian, President & CEO of Clearview Federal Credit Union, took part in the 11th Annual Pittsburgh Business Times Mentoring Monday as one of 35 distinguished businesswomen in the Pittsburgh region selected as mentors.

Hosted by the Pittsburgh Business Times, this event is part of a nationwide initiative, with over 40 markets across the country joining in the Mentoring Monday endeavor. In Pittsburgh, nearly 190 individuals gathered to partake in this enriching experience.

Throughout the event, Lisa Florian and her fellow mentors engaged in a series of dynamic “speed mentoring” sessions, each lasting seven minutes. This format allowed mentees to benefit from concise yet impactful advice and valuable connections shared by these accomplished professionals.

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