2024 CU Ambassador Contest Now Accepting Proposals for Phase 1 

Do you have an idea that will make an impact at your credit union, in your community, or for your members? Submit a proposal to the 2024 CU Ambassador Contest, CrossState Credit Union Association’s annual event that sparks creativity and innovation within the credit union movement. This is your opportunity to make a difference. Each project will significantly impact your organization and the credit union movement across New Jersey and Pennsylvania.  

To become a contestant, simply submit a one-page proposal on our website by November 5, 2023, include your supervisor’s email address, which acknowledges you have permission to compete in the contest. As long as you are a non-executive level employee at a member credit union over the age of 21, you can enter the CU Ambassador Contest. 

Your proposal should include: 

  • Why you feel your project is valuable for you credit union, the community, or the movement 
  • How you plan to implement the project 
  • What data you plan to measure to determine success 

A volunteer group of Chapter Leaders will score the proposals using this rubric. If your proposal scores among the Top 24 entries, you will be contacted in early December. 

Questions? Visit our website or contact the Ambassador Team. 

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